About FYH News
For Your Health News (FYHN) is a powerful new digital application that is capturing trending news about an emerging healthcare market in the United States—the health of Black, Brown, rural, and otherwise marginalized communities.
Each day, FYHN presents its readers with the top stories selected from more than 80,000 online news outlets. Stories about change, the resistance to change, and the birthing of new voices in healthcare are all to be found on FYHN. It introduces users to the industry leaders, the entrepreneurs, the patient advocates, the clinicians, the elected officials who are challenging the old order by reimagining the American healthcare system stripped of historic inequities.

The National Minority Quality Forum—formerly the National Minority Health Month Foundation— is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1998. NMQF addresses the critical need for strengthening preventable illness in minority populations through prevention, early detection, and control of disease complications. In April 2001, the National Minority Health Month Foundation launched National Minority Health Month in response to Healthy People 2010, the national health-promotion and disease-prevention initiative.
NMQF has received support from a wide variety of organizations, including federal agencies, pharmaceutical companies, payers, and trade associations. With support from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, NMQF undertook the Zip Code Analysis Project, developing a comprehensive database that links vital statistics and other elements—including demographic, environmental, claims, prescription, laboratory, hospital, and clinic data—in a centralized data warehouse, organized around zip codes. The Zip Code Analysis Project has enabled NMQF to develop the Health Assessment Tool, which measures and forecasts health status in small geographic areas, evaluates the impact of specific interventions, monitors changes in health outcomes, and undertakes risk assessments (health-care utilization and its financial implications).Â
NMQF uses the Health Assessment Tool to stratify communities by geographic and health-status referents and to provide the health-disparities movement with a common set of indicators to measure and report on progress toward the elimination of disparities in health care and health status. Learn more about FYH News, and how NMQF is diligently working to bring information to aid in health equity for all.